Cynotilapia Afra Question


Jun 18, 2012
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Is there a concern with having 2, 3, or 4 different Cynotilapia species together as long as they are different in appearance so as not to cross-breed? I had considered a stocking in my 55gal(US) to be.....

5-6 Cyno Hara Afra
5-6 Cyno Jalo Rocks
5-6 Cyno Mara Rocks
5-6 Cyno Cobue
5-6 Iodotropheus sprengerae

Probably only 3 species of the Cyno out of those.

Will it be OK?

Its not soo much the males that are the problem its the females, they look too similar, so cross breeding is likely. If you had a larger tank with large groups of each then you could maybe get away with keeping 2 or 3 species of Cyno's together. From your list above id choose one of the cyno species + the sprengerae and maybe try something like saulosi? Great colours from both males and females and stay relatively small which is good for your tank, or any other species that you might like the look off.
I appreciate the info :good: The hard part now is to pick just one :crazy: That wont be easy seeing as I like all on the list. Should I stock 10-12 of the Cyno or stay with 5-6 and build up the community with others?

Your Welcome :D If your really really that set on having more than 1 species of Cyno? Then you could go for 2 species, if they do interbreed then just try not raise the fry and hope they don't survive. I can tell you really want the Cyno's so try 2 groups of 6 and see how they go, you can thin them out if need be at a later date. Then what ever other species you decide to choose from. :good:

What's the total number of fish your thinking of keeping steve?
I'm thinking somewhere around 20-24. My choice would be the Cyno Cobue and Mara Rocks or Yellow Mara. The Cobue are blue and orange and the Mara Rocks are brownish. Or the possibly the Lupingu which is very dark blue w/stripes. The Rusties area a definate and possibly Pseudothopheus sp. Elongatus Jewel Spot. Maybe NKHATA Bay Labs. Too many to think about :crazy:

Quite a high number but if you have excellent filtration as well as maintenance then it should be ok. That's the problem, so many species to choose from its hard to settle on which species you want. Do you have a good supplier/LFS to get hold of these fish? If so That's brilliant :good:
I do have a few suppliers that can get them from, on-line of course. I know I want the Rusties and at least one species of Cyno. Probably between the Cobue, New North Hara Afra, and Jalo Reef. The choice is a third which I think is between the Pseudo. Jewel Spot and the Lab. Nkhata Bay. Probable stocking of 15-18.

Your lucky that you have a wider range of cichlids to choose from, most struggle to get past the Pseudotropheus socolofi, met greshakei, Met estherae mark etc.. These are still beautiful fish but nicer to get something a little more unique, why not have both the pseudo elongatus and labs?
Trying to get one shipment from one supplier. One has the Nkhata Bay Labs and another has the Jewel Spots. Problem is I haven't dealt with either supplier before but both seem to have good references. Thinking I really want the Jewel Spots and maybe get the Labs later.

Do you know anyone who has had experience with them? If they have good references then everything should be ok. Is your tank set-up and ready? Dont forget pics when you get the fish :D always good to see peoples tanks.
Yeah my tank has been cycled for a while :good: I posted a picture in a thread on this topic forum. Can't remember which topic :blink: I think it was a Peacock vs Mbuna thread. I re-scaped it since then when I got more rock. There's also pics in thread in New Tanks section under T5 lighting. I thought it was hard waiting for the tank to cycle :/ But trying to decide on stocking is miserable!!!
Just seen your tank, looks very very nice, even with the little greenery, finishes it off nicely.
Had any more ideas on stocking yet Steve? I know what you mean, Its great knowing your getting new fish, Its just such a headache deciding on which ones :p
Just took a few pic's after the re-scape. Not sure if I need more rock right now bit I'll see after I get some inhabitants. I'm really liking the T5 lighting :good: I can't wait to see if/how it brings out the colors of the fish :drool:




Just waiting for reply for supplier as to availability of stock. Looking to do Nkhata Bay Labs, Rusties, Cyno Jalo Reef, and Pseudo. sp. Jewel Spots. Makes for a nice variety of color and as long as the Jewels aren't too aggressive, they should be OK. Probably 4 or 5 of each. We'll see. Fingers crossed :)

Looks really nice, will look even better when the fish get in there :D..
Hopefully everything goes to plan and you get the fish you want, the T5's should really show the colour of the fish well and produce good algae for them to graze on :good:
Appreciate the comments and help. Will update when I hear about the fish.


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