Hi guys. I am fairly new to bettas (had them as a kid but sadly I have since found we did NOT take care of them like we should have). I just got my boy a little over a week ago, his name is Takeo. He is a gorgeous reddish halfmoon and I love him very much and have been reading nonstop since getting him, but even with all my reading I just found out about tank cycling today He is in a 2.5 gallon with a very gentle filter; had to take the heater out cuz it was too big and heated it too much, but in the process of getting a new one! His temp has stayed around 76-78 degrees though, so I think he's reasonably warm for now. Anyway, I am so worried because I did not cycle the tank and am now terrified of poisoning him, as I will now have to cycle with him in it. Have been doing weekly water changes and just did a full change last Thursday. Also looking into getting a live plant this weekend as I hear they eat amonia? Any help would be beneficial, just keep in mind I'm in a dorm, so as much as I'd love to upgrade to a bigger tank, it's not an option right now