Cycling A Tank, Help Please.

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May 5, 2012
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I currently have a 60ltr fish tank that was second hand, I am new to keeping fish and I did not know that you had to cycle a tank so in the end all but 1 off my fish died. Any how, everything in my tank seems to be fine now. I am picking up a second tank tomorrow that is huge and I'm getting it for free! I am wanting to use sand in this tank and I will be buying a new filter. I hope to transfer my existing 3 fish into my new tank once it has cycled and add some male guppies, tetras and maybe some mollies too. I do not have a clue how to cycle a tank, I have researched and researched and I am still none the wiser. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, Jamieleigh.

Have a look at the Beginners Resource Center > Fish-In & Fishless Cycling.

Thanks guys I read it:) when cycling the tank should I put in some of my old gravel and put my filter beside the new one?
Is there anything can be done to speed the build up of bacteria when doing a fish less cycle?
then should I just leave it running for a week or two?
If you run the two filters in tandem, you need to wait at least six weeks before removing the old one. It's much better to just put the media from the old filter into the new one. Gravel and decor won't really help at all.

Is there anything can be done to speed the build up of bacteria when doing a fish less cycle?
Apart from keeping the pH and temperature up, no, apart from a donation of already mature media.
The two filters are different, one is a marina and the other is a fluval. I have fish in the current tank so I can't take the filter out,what else can I do?
The two filters are different, one is a marina and the other is a fluval. I have fish in the current tank so I can't take the filter out,what else can I do?


There's no need to remove the filter, just take a lttle bit of the mature media and put it in your new filter, that should seed your new aquarium for a faster cycle.

The two filters are different, one is a marina and the other is a fluval. I have fish in the current tank so I can't take the filter out,what else can I do?

That doesnt matter, just take the mature media & jam it in the new filter any old how, if its to long/wide cut it up with scissors, the bacteria dont care what their media looks like.

If you want to speed the new filter cycle time, use the new tank as a wash bucket for your old filter. The new filter will get enough of a head start to cycle in a couple of weeks or less. At least that has been my experience. It makes a bit of a mess in the new tank but you will need to do a huge water change before adding any fish anyway and that will be a good time to clean things up while leaving your new filter cycled.
HI mornig

I dont know if you herd about the product Organic Aqua its a very good product i use it in my tanks and if i set up a new tank i can stock it imediatly it conditions your water and the product have culivated bacteria that boost you sys and there is no waiting period as soos as your water is on temp you can stock your tank
Its 100% natural

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