Cycle Went Way To Fast.


Mostly New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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So on my new 30 gallon aquarium, I cut up the media from my old filter, put it in my new filter and started a fishless cycle. That was about a week ago. I had bought an ammonia and started to putting it in a little bit a day (I don't remember off the top of my head how much, but i followed a link I found on her). I had to buy the ammonia testing kit 3 days later because my LFS didnt have any in stock. I finally got one and tested the water and the ammonia is at 0. Is that possible? or is my kit defective.
Seeding a tank with bacteria, either by taking things from and established tank.filter or using a viable bottled starter, will accelerate a cycle. The more bacteria one seeds the sooneer the tank will cycle. Add enough an you can basically have a tank cycle instantly.
Using live plants will also accelerate a cycle. However, both the quantity and plant selection will greatly influence their effectiveness relative to handling ammonia.
Check your nitrite as this will tell you if the tank is cycled or not when added ammonia reads 0.
I'm going to pick up every tested this weekend to test everything.
I had a single day bacteria bloom where my water got really milky, but it didnt last longer then a day.
The API Freshwater test kit is highly recommended - it has pH (low/high), nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia tests. If you are feeding an ammonia source into a tank, and twelve to twenty-four hours later your tests show zero ammonia, zero nitrite, and positive nitrates, then your tank is most likely cycled.

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