Cute Angelfish


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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No picture yet, but I bought a large koi angelfish from my lfs. I had one already from a pair I bought two weeks ago but sadly only one survived quarantine. Funny thing is the new fish is a full grown female, the younger one is a gold angelfish with a body a little larger than a quarter (not counting the height of his top and bottom fins). He's been following her around the tank like a lost puppy and she just tolerates it. It's pretty cute actually.
it's good that they get along. The alternative would have meant them being seperated for life. It sounds like the little one is only a baby (sorry, being from the UK I've no idea what size a quarter is) and so this will help. An adult angel will normally accept a baby but introducing two adults can be very risky. These fish are not aptly named and angels they are not 
BettaBettas said:
cant wait for the picture
Here is a picture of my angelfish, she's a little camera shy so its the best I could get 


And since your name means you like bettas, here is a photo my my brand new one! 

Akasha72 said:
it's good that they get along. The alternative would have meant them being seperated for life. It sounds like the little one is only a baby (sorry, being from the UK I've no idea what size a quarter is) and so this will help. An adult angel will normally accept a baby but introducing two adults can be very risky. These fish are not aptly named and angels they are not 
I'd say his body is a little less than an inch in height not counting his fins, I quoted bettabettas with some pictures if you want to see the new koi c:
just a baby then. Happy it's working out for you. He/she looks very cute :)
really pretty! :) what size tank do you have, I know petsmart sells those large decorative pieces and I see you have one! there huge! lol also your Betta is very pretty, I don't think ive seen a very pale/white one like that before, even in an image. but I have seen clear fins... hard to see, what kind of betta is it as well?
looks kinda like a veiltail
BettaBettas said:
really pretty!
what size tank do you have, I know petsmart sells those large decorative pieces and I see you have one! there huge! lol also your Betta is very pretty, I don't think ive seen a very pale/white one like that before, even in an image. but I have seen clear fins... hard to see, what kind of betta is it as well?
looks kinda like a veiltail
A delta tail male betta. His body is white and his fins, when flared, are clear. When the light shines on him his scales and fin have a sort of blue/green shimmer to them. He's kind of a piggy too, I fed him a bloodworm last night and when I got home from work today he stared me down as I fed the fish in my other tank, which are directly across the room from him. I know he cant have too much since bettas have tiny tummies though. I think he recognizes the shape of the bloodworm container as I keep them on the stand by his tank so he knows when I pick them up :D
As for my tank, its a 36 galleon aqueon bowfront. The piece you see is actually a medium "roman column" piece in the shape. I have a small piece of drift wood in there, a small beta log for my corys and pleco, and another vase ornaments for hiding places. The tank is pretty bare except for a few plants as I'm more worried on keeping the water and fish healthy atm than tank beauty c:
I do plan to get a similar piece that is taller than it is wide. It has nice open spaces for my fish to swim in, here is a picture.
I just noticed on the column it has a bubbler or something, even better right x3. also sounds like your putting effort into your tank, keep it up! Some people think shoving a fish in a bowl is ok... its not (yells to world "its not!") maybe back in "The Days" it was but not anymore. chlorine blah blah blah, going on a rant kind of here aren't I lol sorry. anyway nice tank and keep it up :)

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