Curious Questions About Freshwater Angels


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2012
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So, From my LFS i bought 5 freshwater angels (2 the first time, 1 the second time, 2 the thirdtime) the first 2 are around the same size, the 3rd one is a little bit smaller and the last 2 are pretty much babies... but how big do freshwater angelfish get?? the lady at my LFS said they stay fairly small and i tried google and it said angels are cichlids and get fairly large and have to be kept either 1 in a tank or 3 in a tank and that just doesn't sound like what my LFS lady said and i usually wouldnt listen to people from fish stores but they have always been reliable and she said she has kept freshwater angels the last ten years. so im very confused. any help on these beautiful fish would be appreciated.

also if anyone can lend a hand i have a post in the emergency section about a possible sickness affecting one of my angels and my sterbai cory. thanks!
They get about 9inches and the grouping is something I am unfamiliar with my angel is about 6 inches now and I have had him for about a year.
Ye they get pretty big 7-9 inches with fins and all, but based on your stocking in your sig and 55G tank you should be ok for now since I'm guessing the first two angels are still relatively small as well. Just watch for any fighting or bullying tho, the larger ones may bully the smaller angels.
OK. Freshwater Angels do not get 7-9 inches big. Sorry but that would be a rare feat and I haven't read that anywhere in monthes of research. Please supply a link, if you have proof on that one, and I will gladly apologize. They get up to about 6 inches each. One can do well on it's own, but the are best in groupings of 2 Or 6. They are social fish, I would be sad to keep one alone, but it's possible. It helps to spread out aggression to have a group of 6, which is why the middle numbers are not recommended.
That's right they get 6". 7-9" would be quite a feat.

I always suggest 1 or 6+. Only keep 2 unless you have a proven pair. I had 6 assorted and ended up getting rid of 4 and in a month the one slowly bullied and killed the other.

They are a cichlid, and can get quite aggressive when breeding. I found my group of 6 wasn't overly aggressive to my tetras but they do get a little pushy.

I would also suggest always keep angels in even numbers (so get one more so that you have 6, instead of 5) so that one doesn't get left out.
^^ Above sounds good. I have 2 right now because my lfs botched my order, but I planned on 6. They are doing very well together, but there has only ever been the two. I think the biggest point with angelfish is to start out with the number that you plan to keep, and go for even numbers.

If yours are small I would add another now instead of later. If it is soon enough they may all have time to grow up together before they get the most aggressive.
Yes add now when they're small... I'm now in a predicament with a full grown angel but the want to add 5 more and now need a growout tank :no:
ok so on the agenda is getting 1 more angel. do i have enough room in my 55gallon bowfront? my friend has a 55gallon tank but her's is longer to where mine is shorter and bows out about 6 inches or so. im just trying to picture 6 fish that get about 6 inches long in this tank! lol also are my cherry barbs and rummy nose going to be ok in here or should i try and switch out those schools for something different? i think thats all my questions for now thank you!
I might say it's a little small but it depends how tall it is. They need a good height.

Your rummys will be fine, that's what I have with mine. And from what I know about about cherry barbs they're pretty peaceful so they shouldn't be a problem.

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