Curbing Apisto Aggression?


New Member
Sep 14, 2011
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Hey guys, jsut a quick question on Apistogramma stocking, what would be the best number of apistos in a small tank? They would be the main fish, would 3 be too many in a tank of around 15Gal say?
Any replies appreciated :)
Are you looking to breed or just have males? If you want to breed, a trio will be good. If just males, you could probably do 4-6 different species.
If you want to breed 1 on 1 is the best, i have about 2 PM's every week asking why their apisto have died when trying to breed as harem, it is doable but you need to be watching for signs of aggression all the time. you need silly amount of cover with no LOS and then a bit of luck.

I have a apisto only tank as project and keep approx 30 apisto in there 18 males i believe the rest females not a single bit of bother but i supply them with no cover at all, so that territories cannot be formed.

In 70L tank 1 male 1 female will do good :good:
cheers, i'm thinking an apisto pair, and maybe some cardinals as dither fish?
Perfect i keep all sorts with my apistos even discus, they only get funny with their kind when breeding occurs

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