Crystal Red Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2010
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Just got 6 of these little guys for my tank and I've heard they do a pretty good job of cleaning up.
Just wanted to know exactly what they'll be cleaning up? Do they pretty much eradicate algae in the tank, or the plants/walls etc? And what about anything else, or is it just that and left over food?
They will nibble on just about anything organic, but they can be fussy little things with regards to water temp and traces of ammonia. Which grade did you get? The higher the grade the more likely they are of dropping dead for no apparent reaason. Lower grades seem to be made of hardier stuff.
They will not clear the tank of all algae, you would need a large number to do that, any left over food is soon taken care of with these little fellas and they have a great peronallity as well, enjoy.
Got them from a local guy advertising them on aquarist classifieds, so not entirely sure what grade they are, all a bit mixed really, I imagine they're a bit hardier!
Higher grades have more white than red and less clear patches.

Bioload will be very small for the number you have.

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