Hi all , I moved a couple of crypt about two months ago in my tank and I knew they would shed there leaves but they still look quite thin . Do they ever really recover or is it best to buy a new one
you are correct it is normal for them to melt, but again it all depends on how there environment changes, are they getting ferts or co2? has there light changed in any way? all these i am positive will effect how they melt, but it can take time for them to to recover as long as they have a leaf on the plant you can consider it still alive. you should see new growth at the same time the old leafs melt back.
i presume, being it has been 2 months you have a low tech tank, i.e. low/no ferts and no co2, if can take some time for it to regrow.
has there been any new leafs at all over the last two months? if there has then what are the new leafs like? they could be showing signs of deficiency, a picture may help
hope this has helped stick in it if the plant is still green and has leafs then its still alive