crushed oyster shells benefit or harmful to other fish...

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Magnum Man

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Jun 21, 2023
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Southern MN
on a recommendation, for my new puffers, it was suggested to mix in some crushed oyster shells into some repashy, when mixing it up... I found a small package of pretty finely crushed oyster shells, since my puffers are still babies... curious if any other fish would benefit from the oyster shells in the food ( they are actually there to help keep the beak on puffers from getting too big ) or if the oyster shells would do harm to other fish, & I'd be best keeping that as puffer only food... if so, I might mix up half a package regular, & half a package with the shells... thoughts???... unless there could be harm, I figured the worst, other fish would eat around the oyster shells, & they would just end up as part of the substrate... & could increase water hardness over time... but since I'm now using RO, it just may add some minerals to the neutral water???
What sort of pufferfish?

Fine shell mixed in with their food won't do anything to their teeth. They need things like entire snails, shrimp and mussels to bite into to help wear the teeth down.

Shell in the water will raise the pH a bit (depending on how much shell there is) and it might increase the KH a bit but not a lot, and it will happen slowly over time.

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