Crazy night, almost lost a gourami


Fish Herder
Jun 5, 2003
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I did my usual tank cleaning tonight. I decided since my 10 gal has only a pleco, syno eupterus, and gold gourami, that i would add my blue gourami to the mix. My gold has the most brilliant color on any gourami have ever seen. He is simply flourishing. I thought, since my blue is a female and the gold is a male, this might work and I possibly could get some babies out of it to feed my cichlids. So after the cleanings, i took the blue out of the cichlid tank and into the 10 gal. Right away they went to fighting. They floated right next to each other, each had ahold of the others anal fin and were tugging away. I figured the gold was being territorial so i removed him, rearranged the tank and waited about an hour with him in a container. Then i added him. Same thing. Right away. I took some egg crate and made a divider. I left really small holes for the pleco and syno to go through, these 2 are MAYBE 1.5" Somehow the blue go over to the gold and started getting her ass kicked. So i took the divider out, turned off the lights and thought they would sort it out. About 3 hours later after lights out, i was reading about mating behavior and decided they just didn't seem to be doing any of that. I ran downstairs to check on em, and couldn't find the blue. Then i hear some tapping on a box next to the desk and there she is, flopping around!!!!!!!! I picked her up and put her in the cichlid tank and she seemed perfect. Even started looking for food. Talk about good timing on my part LOL. My heart almost stopped, she was the first fish I got in this tank. Sorry so long, just thought i'd share :hyper: :hyper:
I would be scared too if it happened to me. Well at least you gave it a shot. :/ I guess you'll just have to keep the seperated. I wonder why they wouldn't get along. Hmm... :huh:
In my experience I have found that in a community tank it is better to have 2 females to 1 male gourami (or a larger mix), with plently of plants. As this means that one female is not contantly bullied.

When moving a couple to the breeding tank, provide lots of plants for the female to hide.

Just my 2cents worth

Crazy part is, if i came downstair 5 min later she would be dead.
we originally bought 2 powder blue gouramis, one male and one female, the female ended up picking on the male heaps, he stopped eating and there wasnt anything we could do, so he ended up dying - they seem such placid fish - yet they just dont get along - actually - she keeps our other fish inline in our community tank - I was angry at her at first, but now she is actually one of our coolest fish - with a HUGE personality and charisma to boost,just had to realise that its nature, I totally love her :wub: - though she has ended up with a name that forever will tell her story of how she killed the male.. :lol: LOL
So glad to hear that you found your gourami b4 it was too late, I definately am thinking of getting some more.. they are COOL :fish: :angel:



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