Hi! I'm new to this forum and looking for a little advice. Sorry if it sounds really stupid...
Basically I moved into an apartment a month ago and the previous tenant left behind a 64 litre tropical tank. It had a Pleco and a Molly in it. My son fell in love with them (as did I, truth be told), and asked me to get the Molly some friends, so I went and got one more Molly and 4 guppies as per the the petshop guy's recommendation (actually he said to get 8 Guppies, but that seemed like overkill).
Anyways, one of the smaller Guppies was quite aggressive, and after some interwebbing it transpires that she's female and they're all male. She's bitten a side fin off one of the super pretty males, and I'm worried she'll tear the rest to shreds by morning. Any suggestions? I don't have another tank to house her in, and am considering taking her back to the shop if she doesn't calm down. I've turned the lights off, and there's plenty of space/plants for her to hide in. I don't get why she has to take over the whole tank.
An aside: she does have a black spot on her underbelly, so I was wondering if the hostility might be pregnancy related, but she's not looking fat or anything so I dunno. She's just chasing everything in the tank (even the Mollies, but they at least seem to know when to swim the other way), so advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd really love to keep her if she'd only just relax a little.
(Ps. Contrary to what I've been reading online regarding common Guppy behaviour, the males aren't chasing her at all. Can't say I blame them to be honest!).
Basically I moved into an apartment a month ago and the previous tenant left behind a 64 litre tropical tank. It had a Pleco and a Molly in it. My son fell in love with them (as did I, truth be told), and asked me to get the Molly some friends, so I went and got one more Molly and 4 guppies as per the the petshop guy's recommendation (actually he said to get 8 Guppies, but that seemed like overkill).
Anyways, one of the smaller Guppies was quite aggressive, and after some interwebbing it transpires that she's female and they're all male. She's bitten a side fin off one of the super pretty males, and I'm worried she'll tear the rest to shreds by morning. Any suggestions? I don't have another tank to house her in, and am considering taking her back to the shop if she doesn't calm down. I've turned the lights off, and there's plenty of space/plants for her to hide in. I don't get why she has to take over the whole tank.
An aside: she does have a black spot on her underbelly, so I was wondering if the hostility might be pregnancy related, but she's not looking fat or anything so I dunno. She's just chasing everything in the tank (even the Mollies, but they at least seem to know when to swim the other way), so advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd really love to keep her if she'd only just relax a little.
(Ps. Contrary to what I've been reading online regarding common Guppy behaviour, the males aren't chasing her at all. Can't say I blame them to be honest!).