Crayfish suddenly died any know why?


New Member
Apr 27, 2017
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Never really posted anything before but just wanted to know if anyone had any knowledge as to why my crayfish suddenly died?
Ive had him for about 10 months and he has been happy and fine even up until yesterday he was moving around and eating as he always did, and then tonight i go to check on the tank before bed and he's dead.
Water params are fine, temp is 23 degrees and everything has been consistent for ages now, ive had a really happy tank and this is the first time there has been a death in my tank in nearly 2 years, so its a bit of a shock and dont know why. I moved house about a month ago and am currently cycling a new tank with some of my smaller fish but he was still in the old one and it didnt seem to bother him. All my other fish are fine, mainly community cichlids, and he was a fair size about 5 inches in the body and same again with his feelers, and none of the other fish dared to bother him. He molted about a week ago with no issues as he always did, so im stumped. Ive been reading about this chronic ageing with crayfish and wondered what everyone else thinks. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thats a shame, Hopefully someone here has some knowledge to help you. How long are they supposed to live and was he a juvenile when you got him? Could just be old age.
2 to 3 years more with proper care.

I had two wild craw dads, one didn't last long, 5he other made it over a year until my stepbrother got it out and was afraid to put it back.
Ps, the reason the crawdads were in there was because he had came over and cranked my heater all the way up... thought he was turning up the air.

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