Couple Of Q's On Plants.


Mostly New Member
Sep 24, 2013
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As you may or may not know, i recently added 2 Elodea's into my 15G tank. I was also thinking of adding 1 Amazon Sword and a Java Fern and maybe a little christmas moss. With this amount of plantage, would you recommend ferts or C02 injection? I was looking at some Carbo substitute that you just added to the water and it dealt with both. So if anyone could offer any advice, it would be much appreciated!

Hi Josh,
Sorry nobody answered your question!  All those plants are fairly easy to care for so you do not *have* to add CO2.  However they will certainly benefit so if you are interested in going high tech then why not?!  I'd recommend starting with some EasyCarbo and an all-in-one fertilizer and see what a difference it makes.  Note that EasyCarbo does not contain fertilizer by itself, I've never heard of any product that adds carbon and ferts at the same time.
daizeUK said:
Hi Josh,
Sorry nobody answered your question!  All those plants are fairly easy to care for so you do not *have* to add CO2.  However they will certainly benefit so if you are interested in going high tech then why not?!  I'd recommend starting with some EasyCarbo and an all-in-one fertilizer and see what a difference it makes.  Note that EasyCarbo does not contain fertilizer by itself, I've never heard of any product that adds carbon and ferts at the same time.
Thanks for that Daize, i'm thinking of ordering some EasyCarbo seems as though i get paid tomorrow! I will hopefully also be getting those plants at the beginning of next week.

Shame you're the only person who has any advice to offer, still got my question answered though so thanks again! :)


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