Fish Aficionado
I know I may be verging on the edge of psychotic paranoia here but what do you guys think about the benefits of condensation shields? I have this nightmare image of a fish jumping out of the water, landing on top of it and getting baked by the tank light. None of my fish have ever even shown any jumping behaviour! But I kind of think that if it doesn't make much difference maybe I should take it out (especially since it's yellowed slightly and my light is filtering through that). I've never tried the tank without it so I don't know if it provides any real benefit or not.
here's a picture I already had on photobucket from when I was adding a fish where you can see my condensation shield. I've got it turned sideways to hold the bag in place.
here's a picture I already had on photobucket from when I was adding a fish where you can see my condensation shield. I've got it turned sideways to hold the bag in place.