Mostly New Member
Hello all. Need some quick help here. I have a 70gallon tank with a bunch of live plants, 75gallon HOB filter, and these fish: 3 panda corys, 4 albino corys (1 about 2 years old, the others bought and introduced approx 3 days ago), 5 peppered corys ( 1- 3year old, 4 new additions added 3 days ago), 10 platies, 1 farrowella, and 1 bristle nose pleco. I had originally 5 of each type of cory, but they keep dying.
I have had this tank established for over 4 years. We did a 30% water change 4 days ago and rinsed off the excess algae from the filter housing and media bags. I noticed a nitrite spike about 3 days ago...after adding more corys (probably what started the ball rolling) so I did another 10% water change and added prime, just in case. Today after another lil fella cory died, I tested the water using the API dropper kit. Results: Ammonia .25ppm, Nitrate 40ppm, Ph 7.4ppm, and Nitrite 0ppm.I just added a bit more prime to try to combat the ammonia in there, but what else could I do to help?What is going on here? Why are my lil fish bros kicking the bucket? I got all the ones that have passed from the same fish shop...Im just really puzzled. Is my tank over stocked or did I screw up by cleaning the filter, or maybe bad supplier from the fish store? what is the deal?!? HHHEELLPP!