Cory Swimming Weird?


Fish Crazy
May 30, 2013
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So i have 6 pygmy corys in my 10 gal tank with all of the water parameters perfect ( pH - 7.0, ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0)  and today i finally saw all six of them together in along time going after the food and all of a sudden i saw one starting to do a quick jolt onto his side when swimming.  He would be swimming and looking happy and then he would do like a 180 and then back and keep swimming, he did this multiple times and i just want to make sure he does not have a parasite or something but that hopefully he is just a trick fish and enjoying himself
Is he doing it on things? Like, rubbing his cheek on the substrate or decorations?
If so, he may be "flashing". Fish "flash" to scratch an itch or brush off something that is stuck to them. That something could be as simple as a grain of sand, but it could also be a fungus or another type of infection. My recommendation, if this is indeed the problem, is to just keep a close eye on him, and make sure no visible infection develops.
Okay...yeah it sometimes was against things like my plants and gravel but other times it l=was just swimming but then again it was hard to tell because he was swimming very fast and doing it very fast.
Have had no experience with this issue but if you could get it on video maybe that would help determine what exactly it's doing? Hope everything turns out alright.
Yeah if i can manage to take a video from my ipod and then get it onto my computer that should work, cant really email it because the email is not hooked up to ipod.
Agree with Sickbound : could be normal behaviour, but could be a parasite, infection ad well.

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