Cory Id


Oct 16, 2013
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I have traded my kribensis in for 6 Cory's they were sold as Pygmy Cory's but I think they are salt and pepper Cory's. Hope you can help from Tom


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Looks like Corydoras pygmaeus to me. C. habrosus doesn't have a stripe down the side.
Maybe this photo is better and thank you for your response from Tom


  • image.jpg
    94.7 KB · Views: 135
Looks like an Otto from that image!

Edit, you just posted the other image, deffo a Pygmy.
There is also this picture


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    101 KB · Views: 160
Looks like a C. pygmaeus
Those are C. Habrosus (salt and pepper cory).  C. Pygmaeous are colored a bit differently and do not have the striping in the caudal(tail) fin. They are smaller with more of a grey body color, much thinner stripe down the body, different shape to the snout, and tend to not stay on the substrate like other cory species.
Ok thank you the thing that confuses me is that on my Cory's they have black stripes on their top fin and the black line running through their bodies is not one line it's broken up and quite thick. Also the pictures of the pygmys I have seen is that they don't have black lines on their top fin and the line on their bodies is solid and thinner from Tom

Edit: that's what I was thinking wildbetta
Yes, from the newer images you can see the dorsal and caudal fin markings they are indeed, Corydoras habrosus, though it's still classed as, and also called a Pygmy type of corydoras!
Ive always heard those with the long stripes as "skunk corys"
Arcuatus corys aka "skunk" corys are very different, have a look on Planet catfish you'll see they bear no resemblance to habrosus

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