Cory Hybrids


Fish Addict
May 31, 2009
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Does anyone know or have a link or can even explain how to keep groups of corys from breeding with other species.

Will they all interbreed or is it only certain corys that will?
The only sure fire way of ensuring that a certian species of fish will not cross breed with another is to never have them in the same tank. If the fish don't have enough of the opposite sex of their particular species then it is quite likely they will try to cross breed - I'm not saying it will alawys be sucessful but they will still try. When my Peppered Corys (C. paleatus) are in breeding mode my Emeralds (Brochis splendens) often try to get in on the activities. I dont think they have ever succeded in breeding but they still try. I never did see my Strebia's (C. strebia) trying to spawn with my Peppereds when they where all in the same tank but, the activity of the peppereds often encouraged the strebia to then decide to breed amongst themselves. Usually my other corys that are also with my peppereds show no interest in the peppereds spawning activities (aside from the emeralds) but who knows with less of thier own kind and if the idea takes them they could try to get in on the act.
Thank you for your reply :)

Ive done abit more research and it seems just like your saying. That if theres enough of the same species they usually just breed with themselves.
If in doubt, you can always destroy the eggs, then separate the different species.
I has one panda cory in my tank with aboot 15 of the emerald and albino corys.. I cannot catch this little guy, and he seems happy enough, so I am going to let him be.. anyhoo, i was wondering to myself whilst enjoying "guppy time" if he'd ever breed with the others.. only time will tell...
I have never seen or heard of People having hybrids pop up. I am sure it can happen with very closely related Cory cats. But I don't think a bronze Cory will cross with a panda. You know what I mean. I would not worry about it too much personally.

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