Fish Crazy
My sister has a cory, and a betta in a 3.5 gallon tank (I told her to go with just the betta, but she decided to listen to the petstore employee instead of me!) and she thinks the betta has been nipping the cory's fins. Is this normal? She says that he hasn't been eating as far as she's seen (she only has floating pellets for both of them), and that he now has such small fins that he can barely swim! Is it possible that this is fin rot, or is the betta killing the catfish? She's really worried, and it'll be at least a month and a half before I get my new tank, and get it set up, but if he lives I've offered to add him to my tank with more cories, but if it's fin rot obviously I don't want to add him to my tank!! I haven't looked at him recently, but I will get pictures tomorrow morning if that will help. She hasn't actually seen the betta nipping the cory's fina.