Cory Eggs Low Down


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2013
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hi all noticed some eggs on the glass of my 10g. im guessing they are cory eggs from the bronzes in there. some are white and some are opake.(please excuse the horrendous spelling). which are good and which are bad. is it safe to move them. they are in a tank with a betta and assassin snail. the later of which I caught trying to make a meal of them. to be honest im quite happy to let nature take its course on this occasion as im working away for the next few days. but any info for the future would be great. thanks all.
Fertile eggs will be a pinkish brown colour.
It is safe to move them, although you need to give them an hour or so to harden up slightly; then you should be able to 'roll' them off the side of the tank with a finger tip. You will, of course, need a decent size tank (or storage box) with a cycled filter fro hatching and growing on the fry; about ten gallons with an air powered sponge or box filter is usually the cheapest and easiest to set up.

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