Cory Breeding

I'm no expert in breeding cories but if I remember correctly, females lay eggs and males go after the eggs to fertilize them. This is from my memory (which s*cks big time), so I could be wrong... ;)

Because of this, they generally recomend more males than females in the same tank for the breeding setup.
Thanks for the reply, i have 1 male and 1 female who have laid eggs on a few occations, now I have a breeding tank set up for them i was wondering what the best method is.

Is it to wait for the female to lay her eggs and then put them in the tank or put male and female into the tank and wait for the eggs to be layed?

Any thoughts will be gratefully recieved

Thanks alot Tuffers
Hi tuffers :)

When corys breed, the males will follow the female around and just appear to annoy her. Then, she will turn to one of them and, it looks like she pushes him over on his back, and then tickles his stomach with her barbels. This is known as the T position, and during this time the eggs (which she will have in her ventral fins) get fertilized. After that, she will immediately press the eggs onto the glass or other surface.

It's usually recommended to have more than one male to insure that all the eggs get fertilized. I think this is because a large, mature female cory can produce a large number of eggs, perhaps more than one of the smaller males can fertilize.

If you only have one of each, the worst that might happen is that some eggs won't be fertilized and will fungus. This is not as bad as it sounds, because it seems to me that the eggs that will hatch do so before the fungus spreads and endangers them.

My C. paleatus are quite young and have just started to spawn, but it seems that they will be as easy to breed as the bronze have been. I suggest that you just put them into the breeding tank and feed them generously with live (or frozen) blackworms and see what happens. If you don't have a spontaneous spawn within two weeks or so, then try playing around with the temperature when you change the water. You might find you don't have to do anything special at all.

Good luck. I'm glad you are breeding them. :D
As usual, inchworm, your replies are very informative and complete... ;)

Is there anything else I can do beside feeding them BBS and frozen blood worms, and do colder water change during the evening? My cories don't seem to be in the mood of spawning... ;)

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