? Coral


New Member
Jun 23, 2012
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Hi im new here and am wondering I purchased a bag of broken up coral gravel yesterday and am now wondering which tank to put it into ,and which fish i should put in with it? open to any ideas.... i love discus and angels but have none yet..... so are they an option? or dwarf gouramis?
hit me with your ideas!
Crushed coral is meant for saltwater. What size tank is it? If its at least 55 gallons, you could try african cichlids. You cant put those ohers in with it, it makes the water very alkaline. The others you meantioned need acidic water. Im not sure about discus, but DevotedToDiscus could help with that. Of i know, you wasted your money. Sorry. :good:

Thanks for the reply crazyforcordoras, its in a 4 foot tank now.maybe i will have to look around for some fish that are suited to it...... thanks.......
As mentioned African cichlids are about the only fish suited to that type of substrate (gravel) as it makes the water alkaline (high pH). On the plus side, they are very colorful!

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