Cooling Tanks?


Mostly New Member
Jun 21, 2013
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I currently have my 14 gallon in the second story of the house. As of now, the temperatures have been around 78F, even though my heater turns on at 75F. Because the tank is in a room in the top story, all the heat from the house rises up into the room. If I could, I would manually make the temperature about 70 so that the heater could then be the one maintaining the heat at a constant rate. However, air conditioning doesn't effect my room. Furthermore, where I live has fluctuating heat. Within this week, there was a 75F day and an 115F day, and while nothing has been dangerous according to the thermometer so far, I'm still uneasy.
I understand that heaters are easily made and used, but is there such thing as a tank cooler?
There are but I've heard they are on the expensive side.
Hopefully someone with more knowledge about them can give you more info on them ^^'
I'm from Malaysia where is has higher degree here. So what I do, I bought cooling fan [See image]
Normally before I use this cooling fan, My tank temp around 30-31'C. But now it was down to 26-28'C.. 
Maybe u should try this.

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