Convict Cichlids


Fish Fanatic
Sep 30, 2012
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So I think I have decieded to go with convict cichlids in my (almost) empty 40g tank. I have a few questions though.
1. Will my 8" common pleco be ok in there with a breeding pair of convicts?
2. Is one breeding pair the maximum I can have? I have heard two pairs will work in 40g.
3. Will a striped raphael catfish be fine as well? He held his own against an oscar twice his size. For those who don't know, raphaels are armored catfish that are quite literally covered in spines, some of which carry a mild toxin that basically guaruntees the fish that bites will think twice before trying it again.
4. What are some tips/pointers on sexing convicts, and guidelines for choosing fish of higher quality? Also can the fish being sold in stores be sexed?
Someone please reply. We must have some cichlid experts on the forum.
I've had convict cichlids, but can only answer 1 question of yours, they should be fine with your plec, it's just any other fish really they'll have a problem with, very very aggressive fish.
I got convicts today. I was lucky enough to get a pair-and not only that, the female is swollen with eggs! They were all set to go at the pet shop, with a spawning site ready. Only problem, they were in a tank with JDs, all of which were twice the size of them. They were defending the site with moderate sucess. The female is frantically trying to prepare a new site for spawning, which makes me think she is a day or two away. I am expecting fry in a week at most (a day or two to lay, 3 days to hatch). The male is still exibiting classic shy behavior, but the female seems irritated by that. She goes up to him, and either gives him a nudge, or a nip. He will then go and half heartedly move a couple stones, but then stops. I know they are healthy: in the holding tank at the shop they were both fighting off JDs almost tirelessly. Can't wait to see what happens.

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