Convict Chlid?


Mostly New Member
Feb 10, 2014
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Two out of four convict cichlids laid eggs, they are living with 1 oscar, 2 dolphine cichild,2 peacock cichlids and 1 koi in a 90g tank.

How much time do the eggs take before hatching? And what other measures should be taken to save the little fish, when they are born?
And two silver line sharks as well, which i will take out as soon as i get some time.
Why do you have a koi in this tank? First, they are cold water fish. Second, they are bet suited for large ponds.

I don't know much about cichlids, but maybe providing extra caves would save some of the fry. You'll probably need to pull them out though. All of the fish in your tank are happy to have a fry snack.
I'd be more worried about the other fish than the convicts.  They are going to protect their young at all cost.  When mine have fry they even bite me if I put my hand in the tank. 
I strongly suggest rehousing the rest of the other fishes temporarily to give time for the convict cichlids to rear their eggs as well as reduce stress.

Also that koi should not be in there
Convict eggs take about 3 days to hatch, the parents will care for the fry keeping them in a small pit for approx a week until they are free swimming, at this stage you can remove the fry to another tank if you wish to raise them.
Convicts are excellent parents, they will defend their young against larger fish.
However rather than worrying about fish that have not hatched yet, you seriously need to sort out your tank, the koi, as you have been told (and not the first time) is coldwater and a pond fish. The dolphin and peacock cichlids are lake malawi (african) the oscar is a south american cichlid, which needs different requirements to the african cichlids.

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