Convict Call Chlid?


Mostly New Member
Feb 10, 2014
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How many convict cichlids can i keep in 4ft 90G tank?
Currently i have
1 koi
4 convict cichlids
1 red oscar
2 dolphin cichlid
2 cichlids i have no knowledge of seems like black strips verticals on purple sort of background.
2 blue line sharks, i soon will return to LFS.
Eek. I don't recall there being that many fish in the tank when I advised you to rehome the sharks. The koi also needs to go, assuming you are meaning a koi carp, these need far lower temperatures than the cichlids, and whilst not quite getting as large as the shark, will still get to a good 40-50cm long.
The problem with convicts is that they are very easy to breed, and when they do, they become vicious. Think Hannibal Lecter with fins. They will happily take on the oscar, even though it is double the size and more of the convict, and the oscar is not what you call gentle either. They would probably tear the dolphins to shreds.
If you want convicts, I always advise people to keep them in a species only tank.
Koi and sharks are going out. Oscars is friendly with dolphins.
The orignal question is still unanswered. Hownany CCs can i keep?
If you already have a male and female convict you will soon have many more than you can handle.
I would stick with the 4 you have.  They get about 6in long.  They breed about every 3 months too.  It's their breeding behavior that makes them tough to keep with other fish.  They get so mean towards everything...I even get bit cleaning the tank
 . They have been known to eat the eyes of fish or kill them up to 3x their size. 
Yeah they do. Recently i have noticed that even oscar do not go near CCs territory.

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