Converting My Coldwater Tank...


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Harrogate, England
So, I have been giving alot of thought to converting my coldwater goldfish tank to a barb tank. I want to keep odessa barbs, cherrys, goldens, and maybe green barbs. The tank is a well established 54 litre goldfish tank at the moment, the water conditions are great. Could it be as easy as getting rid of the goldfish and adding a heater then adding the barbs? I was also considering upgrading the filter in the tank and adding a few more decorations.

Please advise!
When I have swapped goldfish in the past I have had. No problems with a straight swap for tropicals just make sure the water is at the right temperature 26c before putting the barbs in. Goldfish are dirty fish so along as your filter is correctly cycled it will be fine for new tropicals

Hope this helps

When I have swapped goldfish in the past I have had. No problems with a straight swap for tropicals just make sure the water is at the right temperature 26c before putting the barbs in. Goldfish are dirty fish so along as your filter is correctly cycled it will be fine for new tropicals

Hope this helps


The tank is well established as I said, so it is just as easy as adding a heater?
Ye but do a 90% water change to get most of the poo out so its like new And add a heater
Yes, that goes without saying, obviously clean gravel and give it a good water change, to be fair would probably change the substrate.
If this is going to be a barb only tank, how many do you think we could keep? We really LOVE odessa barbs, so maybe 6 or 8 of just those?

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