Confused On Species Of Killifish


New Member
Jun 26, 2011
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Hi, I am very new to killifish. I have just hatched my first eggs 5 weeks ago. I got them from a mail away "fish in a tea bag" LOL kinda of thing. They were not i.d.. I now know it would have been a smarter move on my part to find identified eggs. Live and learn. The whole experience was worth it though.

I am driving ME NUTS trying to identify my species.
I read Tom499's post about Fundulopanchax Gardneri. His picture looks just like my fish. BUT when I go on line and bring up photos of this species I see all kinds of colors. Often red an beautiful blue markings. Is there that big of a color variation?
At what age would color start to show?
Do they stay about an 1"?
thanks for any help.
For gardneri there are quite a few localities, or color variants. You'll find out when they get older. If they are gardneri then color should show at around 2 months, maybe more, maybe less depending on the amount of food and water changes. And gardneri get around 2 inches in length and are quite peaceful.
Fundulopanchax gardneri complex (GAR) are pretty diverse both in geo-locations and colour patterns.
It is sometimes pretty hard to pin down a strain that you have no previous knowledge of it's ID, and should this happen, a prefix of "Aquarium Strain" should be attached.
Please read my article for more insight into this common Killi.
Thanks Rex. I will wait longer to see if I start getting any color. (btw, I was incorrect at date of first starting this thread, they were 6 weeks old not 5).

Thank you BigC. I read your article a few weeks back and did so find it educational. Actually have gone back to it a few times and for sure will be returning to it through time.

Now on the other hand, I do not know for I have the GAR. Just trying to i.d. from pictures.

Does anybody know if there is s certain kind of Killi most often sent with the kits? Actually I got it for a project for children but then thought I might try one first to see IF it did indeep work. I ordered the MY BFF.

thanks again,
okay!! I finally got an id on my killi. Nothobranchius Korthausae.
whhhhhh now that has been a challenge LOL. I went about it the long hard way. All I had to do is contact the supplier. da me.
Now, I need to study up on this species but what i have briefly read they are "difficult". ??
Yes N. korthause would not have been my first choice foray into annual killifish
N. guentheri is the usual route. large fry, can be fed BBS from the outset
a lot less forgiving

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