Confused, Have I Cycled?


Mostly New Member
Oct 23, 2013
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I've had my tank set up since late September, it's planted and home to a single betta. Since 11 November all my water test readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate have read 0ppm. In fact, I've never seen nitrite or nitrate. I use Seachem Prime and API Master Freshwater Test Kit. Does this mean I have cycled my tank?
Normally in a cycled tank you will see a reading of Nitrate, since it is the end-product of the bacteria converting the fish's waste. 
I think it is possible to have such minute amount of nitrates in your tank that the reading may come back as 0 if you have a very small bioload (just one Betta) and a large amount of water while doing large weekly water changes.
It is also possible that your test kit is faulty or that the chemicals in the test kit bottles aren't mixed together well enough. You have to shake those bottles to the point that your arm nearly falls off, shake it really well, to mix in the two layers in the bottle each time you are doing a test. You could also bring a sample of your tank water to your LFS and ask them if they could do a test for you, ask them to give you the numbers of the reading, not just a verbal confirmation that 'the water is fine'!
A quick question: did you do a fish-in-cycle?
Thanks. I'm looking into adding a few nano type fish but I'm not sure when it's safe to do so.

Yes I'm doing a fish in cycle (curse me of you will). I'm absolutely new to fish keeping and came home with a tank and a betta on the same day, of course my LFS store never mentioned cycling! I put it down to ignorance and I know it's not an ideal situation but it's a little late to change things now.
As mentioned before...
Did you bang nitrate bottle #2 into a solid object (table, wall, whatever) a few times and did you then shake it like your life depended on it?  Otherwise you will very often get 0 even if it isn't (it has something in it that settles at the bottom and sticks there if it has been stationary for a long time)
Also, plants can "absorb" ammonia, so very little of it might be converted to nitrite/nitrate.  Which might also be an explanation.
Imho you should be "cycled" after the 6'ish weeks you had you betta.  Only cycled for you current load of 1 betta though, so if you add nano-fish do it slowly.
I wouldn't add more than the equivalent of a 2nd betta (bio-load wise) per week or so (while keeping an eye on water stats).
No no, I only asked because it would have mattered if you had let it "cycle" for a month and then added the Betta, which would mean that you'd just be in the beginning stage of cycling the tank. 

What kind of fish are you thinking of adding with your Betta? Maybe you want to try him first with a snail to see if he is accepting tank mates, since not all Bettas like to share their tank with other creatures!?
When you add new tank mates to his territory it would be a good idea to remove him from the tank, change the look of the tank around, add the new fish (if you don't quarantine them first make sure you acclimate them carefully, and don't add any of their water to your tank) and then put the Betta back in. To him it should be like a new territory and hopefully he'll be less likely to react aggressive to your new additions.
It is very good practice to quarantine any new fish for 4-6 weeks. Most illnesses and parasitic infections will show themselves within that time and you can prevent those from spreading to your other fish! :)
I'm still deciding whether to go with 3-4 pygmy, tail spot or salt & pepper corydoras. Unless anyone else has a good suggestion for a 30L tank? Some are of the opinion that 4 corydora AND 4 ghost shrimp later on will be too much for the tank, including a betta.

I have a spare 5L tank that I can quarantine him in whilst other fish settle. At this stage I won't be adding anything until after Christmas as I go away for a week then and don't want to come back to a murder scene!

I'll try the test again today and shake the bottle like my life depends on it!

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