Completely New With Questions


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2012
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Hello all

I'm interested in getting an aquarium and having very little space, I've been looking into the Fluval Edge (46 litre version). I understand from reading that smaller fish tanks are generally more difficult to maintain for a newbie, but I believe with enough knowledge before going into it I can minimise mistakes. That's why I'm here really, so I appreciate any help on offer.
Firstly, as a complete newcomer to fish keeping I feel like I need to get the very basics down. I understand the Edge comes with a lot of things required, but is there any reading material, preferably online that I could reference as I go through this whole process, or is someone able to offer a checklist etc?

I came across a youtube video (I scouted quite a few for the Fluval Edge) and I really like how they've decorated the scenery in this particular video: So I'd ideally be looking to recreate something like this. Having live plants in there I presume will present a few additional challenges, so any information on maintaining live plants would be great.
Aside from the plants I'd like to include a small shoal of Neon Tetras, perhaps just 5 or 6, with a few shrimp as well - as I realise it's a relatively small tank.

EDIT: Just noticed the sticky at the top of the forum, so shall have a read there too :)
The stickies will help a great deal, you will need to cycle the tank first so make sure to read up on that

You could definitely recreate the scape in the vid, maybe with some less high maintenance plants as they may be running co2 in there, but yes, rocks, anubias petit, some moss etc

I would say 6-8 neons would be fine, but there are plenty of small schooling fish available and may be you could check out others too, some cherry shrimp would be fine, theres even people on here selling them for very good prices to be honest compared to fish shops.

Check out the planted section :good:
Hi Hathaway; :hi: to the forum :)

Can I just make one suggestion (apart from sending you to our beginner's resource centre ;) )?

Have a look at the new AquaOne Nanos? My son has an Edge, and it really is very awkward to work on and the filter is very small. I would never recommend one to a beginner to the hobby, if I'm honest.

The AquaNanos though are a much more conventional shape, with a proper opening (so your options for fish in the labyrinth/gourami family are left open too, unlike with the Edge), so are much more 'fish friendly' than the Edge and there is a huge built-in filter compartment hidden at the back, where you can also put the (supplied!) heater.

The nano 40 is 55l, so it's that little bit bigger as well.

I've just bought myself one as a change from my big tanks, and am very impressed with it; it's housed my 42 false neon tetras for ten days after their tank sprang a leak (obviously you wouldn't want to stock it like that long term, but the filter coped very well, once stuffed with mature media).

P.S; you should be able to get one cheaper than the Edge as well :p
Welcome Hathaway got to agree with Fluttermoth ,sorry but the Edge is a pain in the proverbial ,you have to take water out of the tank before you can carry out any maintanance work,I had one for about six months nice looking I must admit but a pain ,honestly there are better alternatives out there and cheaper too

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