Compatible Blind Cave Tetra Invert Tankmate..


Fish Herder
Oct 26, 2013
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Other than snails, what other aquatic invertebrate can be safely kept together with these fish? I'm guessing cherry shrimps are nibble-food and a crayfish would be a fish-hunter so both would probably be a no, unless otherwise.

I'm keeping 5 as a sole fish species in a tank. I wanna add some curiosities inside

Any thoughts? :D
The recommendations I've seen with blind cave tetras are to keep the tank relatively dark, so I'm not sure that keeping an invert with them would be all that interesting, as it would be difficult to see them.
If you were looking to keep shrimp, I'd suggest a very large species... bamboo or Amano might work.  But, they would be rather hard to see in the tank, I believe.
Personally I just found Cave Tetras a pain for nipping anything they come across and found they decimated most invert species. If you can locate Cameroon Fan Shrimp... they are tough as anything... that said... might want to check they are happy in same water parameters.
eaglesaquarium said:
The recommendations I've seen with blind cave tetras are to keep the tank relatively dark, so I'm not sure that keeping an invert with them would be all that interesting, as it would be difficult to see them.
If you were looking to keep shrimp, I'd suggest a very large species... bamboo or Amano might work.  But, they would be rather hard to see in the tank, I believe.
I've kept them before, I'm doing great now with them since I had prior experience and better knowledge. I have noticed they become particularly aggressive when it's dark. I've put a small cricket float on top that went unnoticed when the lights were on. A few hours of darkness later, only wings are to be seen lol

Guess I'll gauge their temperament with a few feeder shrimp i bought. If they survive the night unscathed then bigger shrimps are my option haha
Yeah, I've heard they are one of the most aggressive of the tetra species.
Good luck!  
eaglesaquarium said:
Yeah, I've heard they are one of the most aggressive of the tetra species.
Good luck!
I put two 2" and 3" long feeder shrimps last night. I checked today and one got a tail nip and lost one antennae. The other lost like a few legs or swimmerets lol..

I'm guessing this is a sign for a no/stop to the shrimp idea haha..
Seemed a long shot.
They are a nasty piece of work these fish, i had a school of them in a community tank, were great when small, once they got some size though, they killed of quite a few before i figured it out.....they got taken back to the LFS with a big note to keep them alone lol
Haha! They are interesting and cool enough on their own. I for one, have matured enough in the pet hobby over the decade not to force something that is not meant to be haha! A shame though, to think that my blind caves are only around 1" long and yet they are bullies :D

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