Compatibility Question: Peacock Goby, Cpd & Other Tank Mates


Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2013
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I have a 50 gal freshwater planted.  Currently stocked with:
4 honey sunset gourami
9 black neon tetra
Cherry shrimp and blue velvet shrimp
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Would these additions be compatible?
6 celestial pearl danio
2-4 peacock gobys
According to aqadvisor, I'm ok with my PH and Temp.
Ph 7.5
Temp 75 degrees F/ 24 C.
The warning is that the gobys might get aggressive with the tetras when breeding.
Are there any other concerns that I should be aware of?
I had my two Neon Red Gobies in the community tank, although they're slightly different temperament to Peacocks, they were really quite placid, didn't harm any of the other fish at all, the male just harassed the female from time to time. Peacock Gobies are gudgeons, and you should provide them with caves.
The Celestial Pearl Danios are also something I've really looked in to, as they are beautiful little fish - they need very densely planted tanks, and because of their tiny maximum size (about 2cm) they could be terrorized, and out competed for food by the tetras. They're finicky fish, and will be extremely shy if larger fish are present, they're best suited to nano-planted shrimp tanks. By all means you should give them a go, but they may be extremely shy, and never come out to feed.
Aviici said:
I had my two Neon Red Gobies in the community tank, although they're slightly different temperament to Peacocks, they were really quite placid, didn't harm any of the other fish at all, the male just harassed the female from time to time. Peacock Gobies are gudgeons, and you should provide them with caves.
The Celestial Pearl Danios are also something I've really looked in to, as they are beautiful little fish - they need very densely planted tanks, and because of their tiny maximum size (about 2cm) they could be terrorized, and out competed for food by the tetras. They're finicky fish, and will be extremely shy if larger fish are present, they're best suited to nano-planted shrimp tanks. By all means you should give them a go, but they may be extremely shy, and never come out to feed.
That is something to keep in mind since the tetras are fairly aggressive during feedings, as are the gouramis. Are the peacocks ok in a group, such as 4 or 6? And are they best kept as pairs (m & f) or does it matter?
I'd avoid both the CPDs and Peacocks to be honest. You have a fair bit of space to fill so another largess shoaling fish might be good. Dwarf Rainbowfish are nice. What about some corys?
The more the merrier, I only had two of the Gobies because that's all my LFS had left! Bare in mind that the more you have, the more caves you'll need, and it's always best to have more females than males. The gobies will be able to grab their fair share of food more so than the CPDs, and I second what Lunar Jetman says about them in your tank, they wouldn't really be at home with all of those bigger and stronger fish, cories would be great to hoover up all the food that reaches the bottom, they are also really entertaining to watch and you can get so much variety! they'd suit the sand you have well, and remember to keep 6+.
In my opinion, peacock gobies should be kept in pairs.
At one point I had a female peacock in with a male dwarf gourami, along with some cardinal tetra and CPDs (and cories), and I observed her feeding normally, she wasn't intimidated by the DG or the cardinals in any way. Equally, the CPDs had no problem getting a decent share of the food.
The only reason she is no longer in the tank is that I moved her into a small tank for a breeding project. Just waiting for my LFS to get some males in.
Would there be an issue with the peacock gobies going after the shrimp since they prefer live/ frozen foods?  I rather like having shrimp and don't want them to be added to the fish dinner menu.
Edit:  Did some more research, looks like they gobies will eat my shrimp.  Guess they are off the list!  Bummer, they are so pretty!

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