Community Tank Help!


New Member
Jun 12, 2014
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I have a 55 gallon and right now all I have in it is 2 balloon mollies, 2 tetras, 3 guppies, 2 corydoras, and a pleco. all of them are pretty small and i would really like to have a large community tank. what fish can i put in that will live peacefully with my fish? 
You'll need to add more tetras and corydoras. Make sure they are all the same species. At least six.

What's your pH?

What sort of pleco have you got?

Is this a new set up?

How long has it been cycled?

All of these questions, once answered, will give us the information we need in order to help you out. :) welcome to our forum!
Good reply above, all excellent points. As long as your ph is above 6.9ish, it seems to me the area to fill is the upper levels. Your Corys and pleco would probably appreciate 6.5 ph, but neutral is fine. Opaline, pearl, dwarf honey and moonlight gourami will all do well in a community tank, as will angels, tho sometimes get a little "bossy". Serpae tetra, black phantom tetra, tbh the list is extensive. Try and balance top, middle and bottom levels, consider the requirements of each. Do a list of possible candidates and go from there.
attibones said:
You'll need to add more tetras and corydoras. Make sure they are all the same species. At least six.

What's your pH?

What sort of pleco have you got?

Is this a new set up?

How long has it been cycled?

All of these questions, once answered, will give us the information we need in order to help you out.
welcome to our forum!
And indeed, what sort of tetra, and what sort of corydoras?

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