Community Tank And Gouramis


May 16, 2012
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Hi, I'm starting a new community low tech planted tank. It's already cycled from my last fish. I currently have 5 guppies.

My future stocking (if compatible) is:

-5 Guppies
-8 Tetras (Unsure on what ones yet)
-6 Corydoras or a lot of Amano shrimp
-A small BN Pleco
-3 Gouramis (1 male 2 female, not the dwarf kind if possible)

I don't actually know much about gouramis except their parameter and dietary needs. What are they like with the other species I have listed? Are they easy to breed? Will they breed with each other if they are different colours? I'm wanting them to be my centre piece fish as a trio. I don't know if I can actually keep the normal kind because of their size, will they be okay or will I have to get the dwarf kind?

What size do the dwarf kind grow to? If I keep the dwarf kind, how many can I keep?

Sorry for the bombardment of questions, just keen to start a nice community aquarium!

Thanks for reading! :)
Here is my tank as of now.
If you want 3 gouramis, I ( and most people here ) would suggest a trio of Pearl Gourami. I have three in my tank, one male and two females and theres no aggression to any other fish ( the 125 gallon in my sig )
I have tetras, guppies, and BNs, and I have a trio of Pearl Gouramis (1 male 2 females) in with them. They're beautiful and peaceful (with the other fish anyway, they like to bicker amongst themselves on occasion.) They'd be a good choice for you :)
Oooo didn't see that one. It's very nice ad different to the ones I've seen. Not that I don't like it, but what would other options be?
My LFS currently offer Gold, Lace/Pearl, Opaline and Robin Gouramis.
The dwarfs are sunset and coral blue but only in males.
This may change in time I suspect and I won't be adding these till i add the other fish first. So the stock may change but I thought it would be worth noting. I must say after viewing if possible, I would love to have a trio consisting of Gold, Opaline and Robin Gouramis.

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