Common Whiptail


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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A fair while ago now I got a couple of young whiptails, sadly one of the whiptails died and I was left with one very lovely lady whiptail.

close up of head

and impressive tail


I never knew for certain which exact species of whiptail she was (or even if she was a hybird) but after much searching came to the conclusion that she was a LG6. Every fish/ pet shop I visited I kept looking for another whiptail in the hope of getting a male. But alas no one had any.
Finally on the weekend I went back to the original shop where I got my first whiptails (had been back numerous times before but they never had any more) and surprise surprise he had in a whole heap of young whiptails. So I immediately decided to get 4 to increase my odds of getting at least 1 male and possibly another pair.


omg your aquarium is soooooooo
AMAZING! lol im a huge nerd for planted aquariums >.<
Lovely whiptails B :)
It's a bit of a coicidence actually, just 2 days ago, I just got 2 more red whiptails - Rineloricaria lanceolata in the hope I have at least a female for my lone one in my 3 ft tank. Trouble is, they are juvies, about 2.5 inches, so its next to impossible to tell whihc gender it is at this stage.
£15 ($25 AUS or $20 US) each though, so could only afford to get 2 as I was getting more Emerald Rasboras as well at the same time.
I don't have deep pockets sadly :lol:
I'll see if I can get some pics later today after picking up more RC shrimps for the same tank.
I had golden whiptails in my planted tank, it was very fun to watch
If these whiptails had of been more expensive I would probably have only got 2 at the most, but thankfully they where only $11.95 each. Also they where the only thing  I was wanting at the shop, so finanaces where not already streched to breaking.
The female is stunning :wub: Hope you get a male like you're wanting.
Yesterday I spied 3 of the four young whiptails, but only one was in a suitable place to easily photograph, they seem to have settled in well and are now beginning to show some colouration.



Here's hoping they turn out as stunning as the mature female, if they came from the same original supplier then I guess there is a good chance.
When I first got the whiptails I was worried that they may eat my shrimp, after reading that they will eat small inverts, but I am glad to say the shrimp population is booming which is good because the tank also holds my black/ chocolate cherry shrimp.
Apparently Whiptails are very partial to eating Anubius leaves to death. Well I guess its the 4 new guys and not the orange spot BN who has been in the tank for over a year and never once so much as nibbled an Anubuis leaf. Hopefully they tire of the novelty of eating the anubuis before they actually eat it to death.
Wow, never heard of that occuring to be honest.
My whiptails do not eat any plants, though occassionally they will be on plant leaves but not eating it per se.
I do have quite a bit of lovely anubia barteri in that particular tank though most of the plants are various crypts and vals, none have been eaten to death, in fact they all grow pretty good tbh.
I had not heard of whiptails really going to town on plants either, but they are the newest additions to the tank aside from some tiny minute unidentified possibly native snails that are being kept in a fry saver in the tank, so not actually loose to cause havoc. The little snails also have been in a previous tank with plants and no plants destroyed nor is the subwassertang that's in the fry saver with them.
One of the other plants in the foreground looks like it has had a good chomping too, and if I saw that kind of damage in the garden I would suspect a locust or very fat caterpillar.

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