Color Of Newborn(ish) Fry


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I currently have upwards of 80 guppy fry in my tank, the majority of which have been born within the last week. Of those, about 4-6 are nearly completely black.. well maybe more a dark charcoal sort of color... all the rest are the typical guppy fry beige/golden sort of color.

I'm curious, does it mean anything colorwise that these oddballs are so dark? I've only had three born previously this color but unfortunately directly before my tank disaster so I wasn't able to see what they would grow into.
do you have platyies if so they might be from them are they stort and stubby or long and thin if there stort and stubby they could be platy or molly if you have those fish hope this helps probably wont though
My babbies are 3 weeks old and a few of them started to colour at just over a week old. Apparently the black ones do show colours early, now they are 3 weeks their colours are getting alot darker but i still have 2 (out of 8) that are still flesh colour.
Molly fry are long and thin, not stubby. But they are considerably bigger than the other two. If they're black my money is on Molly, I haven't seen many solid black platy.
I have had Molly babbies (only go one at the moment) and they are quite a bit different than guppy fry, their colours are more solid though, although the black babbies seem more grey when they are around a week old. Apparently Mollies and guppies can cross breed but its very rare. They should change quite alot over the next week or so, if its a molly it will become more rounded and solid looking.
I have basically a vairitation of tuxedo guppies and almost all of my fry are either black or half black from birth, doesn't matter if they are male or female they will be coloured. It makes it really easy for me (knowing what colour we are striving for) to then remove any plain fry to another tank, becuase I know these will not develop the colour we are breeding for.

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