Coldwater Shrimp Dying : (


New Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Hi all, can someone please help. We got some cold water shrimp to add to our fish tank on Friday from a pet shop. Sadly, even though we followed the instructions to the letter 2 of the 3 shrimp were dead by the evening and the other we managed to keep alive by taking it out and putting it in a bucket with a mix of tap and tank water. He was doing really well so we reintroduced him this morning and he seemed very happy in the tank but by 6pm he was looking decidedly poorly so we've put him back in the bucket :sad:

What are we doing wrong? The fish we have in there weren't hassling or trying to eat the shrimp. I'm really rooting for this little guy to live as I hate the thought of him dying.

Any advice greatly appreciated, thank you.
Have you used any medications in the tank previously, high doses of copper can kill most inverts and many other chemicals they are also suspectable too. Another couple of things that can mess with shrimp is Co2 injection systems for plant growth and some plant fertilizers.

Also if possible see if you can get your dH and pH tested it may have been too different to what the shop had the shrimp in.

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