Coldwater Community Tank?

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Jul 4, 2013
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i might be able to score a 210 gallon for 50 bucks and i have been itresting in colwater species like white clouds an d fancy goldfish i dont want a single species tank so if i do get this could i do a community thats just coldwater?
You could indeed. Be wary of goldies though; they'll either eat the little fish once they get big enough, or be out competed for food, if the other fish are better, faster swimmers.
so iwas thinking schools of white clouds minnow and some dojo loaches and other suggestions?
You could do danios as long as the temperature doesn't get too low.
If you were to do it sub tropical at 18-20°C (coldwater fish like the temp to change to signal the seasons) you could have a paradise fish/gourami. Just be careful as the Goldies might nip the Paradise fishes fins so make sure the paradise fish has places to hide.

One thing you could do, was if you were to rescue goldfish from those sad little tanks. I often see auctions for a tank AND goldfish on online auction sites so you might be able to score a few tanks as well. ;)
You could also have Borneo sucker fish/Jill stream loaches (I think that's there other name?)
a group of dojo and a group of hillstream loaches
20 white clouds and 20 danios
paridise fish
? number of goldfish
I'd even do 40 danios and 40 white clouds if you wanted.
In a 210 gallon with all those other fish you could probably do around 10 goldfish (?).
Just be aware that the goldfish might eat the danios and white clouds.
okay found a fantail would they be outcompeted for food?
ncguppy830 said:
okay found a fantail would they be outcompeted for food?
Yes, they most likely would be, if you have 'natural' shaped fish with them.
In all honesty, fancy goldfish are best kept in species only tanks. If you want a community, I would forget goldfish altogether. As you're in the US, you'll have a better choice of fish than we do here in the UK: many US fish are banned here, as they can survive in the wild if released. American flag fish (Jordanella floridae) or pumpkinseeds (Lepomis gibbosus) spring to mind.
flagfish i here there good algae eater its all coming together know just one thing what are some coldwater bottom feeders?
Weren't you thinking of having weather loach? They'd be ideal.
Yes, although they will swim around the tank and eat from anywhere, they mostly stay on the bottom.
They're one of my very favourite fish (although I don't own any!) and they often don't get the large tanks that they deserve; yours would be wonderful for a group of them (they are very social fish, you want at least five or six).

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