Clown loach


Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
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Could someone tell me abit about them? i dont want a website i want personaly experience, i find that alot more interesting. I have 2 i got them yesterday, They like to hide alot... Yeah so tell me bout em :)

They should be in groups of 3 or more, as they are a schooling fish. There is always one dominant one, the leader of the group, who is usually the biggest. His stripes will turn a lighter shade of grey while the smaller more submissive ones will have jet black stripes. the big one will often chase the small ones to put them in their place, but never does any harm. They are very susceptible to ich as they are a scaleless fish. They prefer water that is a bit cooler and more aerated/oxygenated. They will usually eat sinking pellets; I feed mine with sinking shrimp pellets, frozen brine shrimp, and the occasional flake. They usually won't venture to the top for the flakes, only eating it if it falls past the others, unnoticed. They grow to about 14" in captivity and can live for over 10 years, although there are some housed in public aquaria that are up to 28" and over 50 years old. They are very peaceful and won't hurt any other fish, however you shouldn't keep them with fish that are very aggressive, unless they are much larger. They are a wonderful, active and outgoing fish, and a pleasure to keep in the home aquarium.
thanks for your help, it was very useful. I am gonna go get a bigger one 2day because they are both nearly the exact same size. I actually might get 4, I dont like odd numbers :p
Well thank you!
Cool. that's exactly what i did, I got 2 and then I got a third, bigger one the following week. He has now taken over leadership of the pack. :p The two little ones follow him around like ducklings.
Ok, so I've got weirdos! ... I only have 2 coz 3 was just a bit too pricey at that time and i've never gotten to buying another one! :eek: ... and well, they do all BUT hiding! They're all over the tank all the time! They like hanging around with my corries as well, cept when you throw in some algae tables ! :p

They just love digging, and recently I woke up to find a big old pile of gravel neadly pilled up =/ ... I'm guessing it must have been them, seeing as I've never seen guppies make piles of gravel :p
Don't want to derail the thread but:

I have two clown loaches in my community tank. should i get one more so they feel like they're in a school, because right now the two of them don't hang around that much?.
Clowns love to be in packs, I have twelve at the moment and they all have a ball in the tank.
They will eat most foods and i have found them very fond of brine shrimp.
They will keep you entertained with their antics like playing dead ( gets me every time )
They are very friendly with other fish and other fish even aggresive fish dont seem to bother with them at all.
If you getting more clowns always get the biggest you can get because they are much more sturdy and less proun to disease.
You need at least three for them to display the full extent of their natural behaviour. If you have only 2 they will often hide away and never be seen. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule, such as little odballs that are always out and about. Yeah and the playing dead thing is hilarious, although I have encountered it so often now that I am almost immune to it (I no longer go *gasp!* when I see one on it's side or back) :p
You will find that the dominant clown will be the blacker one....the ones with paler black are the submissive ones. I have read this on numerous sites and experienced it first hand. With mine....the dominant one will check out any food or stuff I put in the tank before he lets the other come near....

Mine are in a 75gal with african cichlids.....they always copy the other fish....dancing like cichlids do...

they sleep on their side which still freaks me out....

They go upside down at the top of the tank and blow bubbles (also freaks me out).....

when they eat cucumber or zucchini, they make so much noise I am thinking the tank is cracking (its like a clicking noise)
Chooklet said:
You will find that the dominant clown will be the blacker one....the ones with paler black are the submissive ones. I have read this on numerous sites and experienced it first hand. With mine....the dominant one will check out any food or stuff I put in the tank before he lets the other come near....
I have read and experienced the exact opposite. My dominant one turns grey while the subservient ones are black. :p
I bought 2 today, looks like I'll have to go back and buy another, mmm need money though, (were's dad) :thumbs:
I also saw another fish I want but can't think of its name :unsure:
One word: Worms

They just love worms . . . especially if the worms manage to get into the sand and bury themselves. My clowns and cories have a ball digging them out of sand. :D

A few other words:
brine shrimp
water fleas
. . . ah forget it, they like eating invertabrates ok? :p
Chooklet said:
You will find that the dominant clown will be the blacker one....the ones with paler black are the submissive ones. I have read this on numerous sites and experienced it first hand. With mine....the dominant one will check out any food or stuff I put in the tank before he lets the other come near....

Mine are in a 75gal with african cichlids.....they always copy the other fish....dancing like cichlids do...

they sleep on their side which still freaks me out....

They go upside down at the top of the tank and blow bubbles (also freaks me out).....

when they eat cucumber or zucchini, they make so much noise I am thinking the tank is cracking (its like a clicking noise)
Yup, mine do the same. the biggest dominant one is much darker black and orange. the other 2 are more pastel looking!!!
I still think about getting a small shoal of clown loaches, but their plant eating habits (when they get bigger) keeps stopping be from purchasing them.

Both my aquariums are heavily planted.

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