Clown Loach


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2013
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So I'm looking at upgrading my tank size to roughly 210L which is going to be just shy of 4 foot wide.

What I was wandering is what size tank is suitable for clown loach and whether or not this would suffice?

If not what other alternatives are there that I could keep?
Im afraid that size tank is much to small for clown loaches, but that size tank can house a very WIDE variety of fish, and if you make the tank wider roughly a 75 gallon then you can house even more variety. What are your interests in fish?
They should be kept in a minimum of a 6ft long tank. Perhaps some dwarf chain loaches would be more fitting? :)
You can house them, but no permanantly. They are fairly slow growers.

I've kept them in a 3ft tank, but you do need to be prepared to trade (with your LFS) at some stage for smaller ones or sell them on to someone who has a larger tank. If you cant do that, then dont get them 
Ninjouzata said:
They should be kept in a minimum of a 6ft long tank. Perhaps some dwarf chain loaches would be more fitting?
i can vouch for the dwarf chains :) they are so amazing to watch flit around and mine would readily interact with anybody near the tank
Thanks for the advise so far guys and girls! :) I think my best bet with regards to the clown loach will be to wait until I can afford a tank that will be able to house them on a more permanent basis.
I will deffinitely look into the Dwarf Chain Loach. What about YoYo Loaches?
I don't have a distinct interest in fish sawickib I love it all really. I would just love to have tank that is full of life and energy with plenty of activity. All suggestions and ideas are welcome :)
Also just a thought would this tank be suitable for a red tail shark?
In this size tank yo-yo loaches would take up majority of the bioload since they get 6" & need groups of 6+ (8-10 being much better). I've heard that they can be bullies too so would also depend on what else you want to have in the tank.
You could maybe do a redtail shark in this size tank (a 4ft long tank would be better, how shy of that is this tank?) but I wouldn't have any other bottom dwellers as they get territorial with age.
Ahhh ok well I do really like the look of dwarf chain loaches :)

I wouldn't want to get rid of my cories either for a red tail shark.

The tank is going to be about 3.5 inches short of 4ft

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