Clown Loach


New Member
Feb 5, 2013
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Hi im new to all of this the forum and having fish! I need help??
My tank is 40gl and set it up with fish 2months ago, iv only ever had goldfish!!! in it i have 3 mollys 2 clown loach a sucker fish which im not sure the name of, 2 slender rainbow and a gold fish! The guy at the pet store said my goldfish would be fine and so far he seems 2 be loving it!
My problem is the clown loach they had white spots the fishshop told me 2 put salt in the water which i did the spot did go a little but not fully, 1 of the clown loach has gone super skinny and just hides under the rocks, the other swims crazy up and down twitching! I started treatment yesterday with whitespot medician 1 is still crazy the other is still hiding and skinny spots are still there on both!
Water temp is 28 and other fish seem fine!
What should i do???
To start with, you've got some major problems with your stocking. A 40 gallon is way to small to have clown loaches, they get huge, and any type of loach should be kept in a group of 4 atleast.  Ive never heard of keeping a goldfish at 28, they need much cooler water. Did you fully cycle your tank before adding fish? Have you tested your water? 
TiamaRIA84 said:
What should i do???
you should either get rid of them or buy a bigger tank....
your tank is too small for clown loaches, and they should be in groups of at least 6
Omg.. I really have no idea basicly i had a small round fish bowl cold water for my 2 goldfish 1 died and when i went to the pet shop to get a new friend the guy said try tropical and said how easy they where and that the gold fish would love the heat and to be honest he does seem happy, so the guy in the shop sorted me the 40gl tank and shown me which fish i could have to which i listed above... When i got home i set the tank up and left it over night then the next day went to get the fish i left them floating in there bags in the tank 2 get use 2 temp for 20mins then let them out, they have all been perfect for a month just 3 days ago i had the clown loache problem, white spot and loss of weight its since iv been adding the medication the fish have been goin loopy.
I didnt want to get a big tank as its my first time and wasnt sure what to do im still learning and really want to learn as i love watching these fish iv got.
TiamaRIA84 said:
Omg.. I really have no idea basicly i had a small round fish bowl cold water for my 2 goldfish 1 died and when i went to the pet shop to get a new friend the guy said try tropical and said how easy they where and that the gold fish would love the heat and to be honest he does seem happy, so the guy in the shop sorted me the 40gl tank and shown me which fish i could have to which i listed above... When i got home i set the tank up and left it over night then the next day went to get the fish i left them floating in there bags in the tank 2 get use 2 temp for 20mins then let them out, they have all been perfect for a month just 3 days ago i had the clown loache problem, white spot and loss of weight its since iv been adding the medication the fish have been goin loopy. I didnt want to get a big tank as its my first time and wasnt sure what to do im still learning and really want to learn as i love watching these fish iv got.
you need to cycle the tank before adding fish....this can take 6-8 need to read up and educate yourself on the basics.....please do not purchase any more fish until you know how to take care of them properly
Im trying my hardest to look after these fish its not my fault the guy in the fish shop gave me wrong information,
Im trying my best to correct it and learn more!
Every1 has to start somewhere.
I wont be purchasing and more fish don't worry my main concern right now is getting the ones i have now better and in to a bigger home!
It's possible that your clown loaches are showing whitespot because of stress from being put into an uncycled tank.  If it's been running for two months then the tank might be cycled by now, but the fish will have been weakened from the exposure to ammonia and nitrites while it was cycling.  This makes them more susceptible to diseases.
Can you get hold of an ammonia/nitrite testing kit to check if your tank is fully cycled?  If not then the fish shop should be able to test your water for you.  It's pretty important to know what your water quality is to keep your fish healthy.
Can you tell us if you have done any regular water changes?  Nice fresh dechlorinated water will probably do wonders to improve your water quality and the health of your fish.
(Disclaimer: all these other guys have a lot more experience than me :))
daizeUK said:
It's possible that your clown loaches are showing whitespot because of stress from being put into an uncycled tank.
BINGO!!! hit the jackpot!
The best bit of general fishkeeping advice I could give to anyone is that.... a lot of fish shop employees either 1. dont know what they're talking about or 2. just want you to spend the money.  I knew nothing when i first started too and made many mistakes. You have to learn from it and do what's best for your fish now. You can't do anything with the loaches until they are healthy, but then you should really rehome them. You always need to "cycle" your new tank/filter before adding fish, but since you can't do that, you are in a "fish-in cycling process" here is the link to guide you through it:   not sure how this will effect medicatng for the white spot, which is no doubt caused by the stress of the uncycled filter, loaches are very sensitive fish :/  Maybe someone else can help you with how you should go about with cycling and medicating at the same time. 

Even now, i never buy a fish I have not kept before without doing a bit of research first. Its just much easier on you, and the fish. GL with everything, i hope the loaches pull through.

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