Clown Loach Question


Chatroom Moderator
Chatroom Moderator
Dec 3, 2011
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Simple :), how quick do Clown Loaches Grow,

Now i know my tank is a tad to small for them when they are fully grown, mine are around 2 inches in length now, how big will they be say in 1 to 2 years time or how big should they be within that time? this is when i will be getting a new tank hopefully, but i am also making a cave for them in my tank, so i want it to last at least 6 months to a year, so need enough space in there for at least 4 to 6 and my holes need to be big enough for them to fit through haha :)

hope to here from you soon thank's
aah thank you that is good
dono i feed them once to twice aday
To be honest, nobody really knows how fast they grow, or which ones will grow, I've been keeping them on and off, fo over 27 years. You could buy 6 fish from the same tank, 2 will grow FAST, 2 might grow slowly and 2 might not appear to grow at all

Sorry, that doesn't help much, just keep an eye on them
I have one at about 8 1/2" had it for 22 years so its older than that and has always been in a 6 foot tank so any ones guess
hmm okay thank you :) hope they dont grow to quickly but im glad to know there are good in my tank for a few years :)

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