Clown Loach Looking Ropey


New Member
Nov 19, 2011
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North Wales
Hi, I have a Clown Loach and he doesn't look well at all. 
I do not have any other Clown Loaches but I do have a Zebra Loach, a couple of Siamese Loaches, a few Blue Rams and a few other, non-agressive fish like Tetras and Rainbows and a Golden Nugget Pleco.
The past couple of weeks he has not been near his usual hiding place, he just seems to stay very close to the glass at the front of the tank. He doesn't seem to want to eat anything, he usually really likes bloodworm but he doesn't even want that at the moment and he has gone quite skinny.
He doesn't have any spots or anything but he does seem to be struggling to swim, he just looks like he can't be bothered. I was worried he might be getting bullied so have him separated in one of those little floating fry tanks, he is lying on his side at the bottom of that and then kind of resting on the vertical walls.
He doesn't seem to be getting any better and I really don't want to lose him as he's one of my favourites. Please help!
I have a clown loach and he has exactly the same symptons as your loach. I have put mine in a quarantine tank and treating him with Anti-fungal and Anti Bacterial medicine. I cant do much more than that other than prayer for him.
He has a silvery patch on one of his sides but not sure if this is just his coat. Im thinking it could be stress related and he has come down with something.
If your clown loach gets any better he'll like it if he could have some friends of his own kind as they like to be in a group.

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