Lots of hiding place all over tank

Its a bit of fishy reverse psychology... If you give them loads of hiding places, they feel a lot safer and therefore tend to come out more often. Clown loaches adore tubes!! You can have fun making tunnels around tank and cover tubes with wood or décor etc and then clown loaches can whizz about happily.
Also train them, they are incredibly sociable and the more the merrier (that said, they get HUGE...) but if you get into habit of dropping food into the front of the tank (especially tablet foods or a tiny bit of prawn or bloodworm) at night about 15 minutes after turning lights off and step back from tank and watch them come out for food. Over the space of a week gradually stand closer and closer to tank each time and when they aren't bothered by you being there, start feeding them with the light on and move back a bit and gradually move closer.
Has worked for me every time, in two weeks or usually less they learn that not only are you not going to hurt them, but they associate seeing you with food. Makes them much bolder in coming to the front of tank to demand more food... that said, pain in the backside of tank is in bedroom as when they get bold, they start clicking loudly for food
I had a 4ft tank at the end of my bed and one clown loach who learnt to come to surface where there is gap in hood for pipes and click so loudly it would wake my up each night!! I kept a pile of tablet food on top of tank and would just post them through the hole to shut her up at night lol