cloudy water


New Member
Nov 4, 2004
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Lancashire, England
Hi there, I know this question has been asked before but I'm worried that my water is still cloudy after 1 week. I thought at first that I hadn't washed the sand properly but surely that would have settled by now. I added some plants this morning and the sand just settled straight back down ok. Changed 20% water as well but it still is no better. It is like looking through an opaque screen. I think I did everything right, used filter medium from an established tank, waited 4 days before adding 3 fish (red platies). Can you think of anything else I can do please.
My ph is 6.4, ammo 0, no2 0, no3 0. 21 gallon juwel tank, temp 74

any suggestions please. Chris
Seems normal for a newly established tank. Replace the white filter pad with filter floss (wool) and that should help.
A'right chris,

when i change my tank it is somtimes cloudy, i also do everything fine, i think it might be the water. i saty in a flat with a shared tank so the water might be a touch cloudy, but it doesn't settle at all, try running your water for a couple of minutes till the water becomes more pure(OR CLEARER) before putting it in the tank.

let me know how you get on


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