Cloudy Water


Mostly New Member
Jan 7, 2014
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Hi I am new here so im not sure if I have posted in the correct forum but I have a 110 litre juwel aquarium currently with a fluval u2 but this does not seem to be clearing me water as it is quite cloudy so shall I buy a bigger filter? thank you for any help
Sorry to reply here but i have a question about cloudy water. :)

Can i put Fish in cloudy water?
did you cycle it.. if you didn't then read up about it on this site and follow the instructions. it'll clean the water.
if you have cycled the tank then you need to clean the filter media. with aquarium water.. you can do that while doing a water change with treated water.
that pic should be similar or the same to what filter you have.. unless i have it wrong. also the filter's max size that can cycle a tank is 110L, which is what you have. personally i like hang on for under 20 gallons, and external for 30+... after having them you never go back to hang on for larger tanks because the cleaning and how to clean the filter is IMO the best.

Luis_Gil said:
Sorry to reply here but i have a question about cloudy water.

Can i put Fish in cloudy water?
as long as you have the proper environment for the fish, cycled mature tank and do the maintenance then i see no issue... 
Thank you for the speedy reply, I am currently cycling my tank, I have ammonia readings at 0.50 and nitrite 0.50 and  ph level is 7.2.
I am wondering whether to purchase the u3 filter instead because I had the u2 in a smaller tank previous and the water was crystal its only since I put it in my 110 litre that the water has gone cloudy :(
Do you think the cloudy water is due to cycling the tank rather than the filter being too small. I am doing a fish in cycle.
Personally I think it's your filter. Internals generally aren't very good for larger tanks and even though 110L is technically the max for the U2 it's not going to be very effective. I recommend buying the Aquamanta EFX 200 if you have a Maidenhead Aquatics close to you, I use the EFX 300 myself and it's brilliant. Alternatively if you'd like something cheaper you could look into APS filters. 
Although some of the cloudiness is definitely there from cycling, it's good to invest in a filter or you won't be able to fully stock your tank.
I am currently saving up for an external filter but at the moment which should I get fluval u3 or u4? thanks for your help
Honestly I don't see the point of getting an internal now and upgrading to an external later on, you could just wait a bit. What fish do you have?
I have found an all pond solutions external filter 100 l/H but it says for upto 400 litres, will this be too powerful for my 110?  

I have...
4 Neon tetras
2 zebra danios
2 penguin tetras
1 glo lighy tetra

sorry 1000 L/H

*1 glo light danio
It won't, it's perfect for a 110L.
Also both Tetra species should be kept in groups of 6 or more, so make sure to add those once you're tank is cycled.
You have schooling fish in small numbers, you need at least 5 danios, and at least 6 of each tetra species. (sorry, i know thats not what this post is about!) The filter you mentioned sounds great, and too much filtration is a good thing!
Hi yes I know I have schooling fish but didn't want to add too many fish whist cycling so when its cycled I will add more of each species. :)
I have measured up and don't have the room for an external filter, so I now have to go for internal, which would be better Fluval U3 or U4?
I'd go for a U4, they're pretty cheap on eBay
My Fluval U4 has just been delivered and ive cut some of the media out of the U2 and put it in the U4, ive put it into my tank and it seems way too powerful :(

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