Hi, I'm new here and really hoping for some advice.
I got an Eclipse System 3 tank (3 gallon), and did a lot of research on how to take care of the tank and fish. I also researched how to take care of live plants, I ended up getting 1 Anubias Nana, 1 Dwarf Hairgrass, and 1 Micro Sword , I also got Flourite Substrate and white freshwater sand to place on top of the substrate (for looks), and oneFluval Ceramic shrimp log . Yes, I cleaned everything. I'm telling you all this so you know what's in my tank.
Here's my problem, from day one the water has been a milky cloud and still is two weeks later. To help with the clearing I used Seachem Prime( always use) and Stability. After about 4 days I also used the Seachem Clarity, which did NOT work, it turned my water into a dark brown and never cleared up until I did another water change a day later. I have done many water changes mostly 50% and water is always cloudy, it's starting to become very annoying. This past weekend I did add four ghost shrimp because I read adding a few fish might help, sad to say one did die, the other three seem to be okay. I have to admit I was unsure of adding anything live to my tank. I did order a API Master Testing kit which should come tommorrow.
So any help as to why my tank is always cloudy and how to fix it would be wonderful!! I've been reading other posts on here and everyone seems to be very expienced, hope you can all help!
One more thing I noticed today it's starting to smell.
I got an Eclipse System 3 tank (3 gallon), and did a lot of research on how to take care of the tank and fish. I also researched how to take care of live plants, I ended up getting 1 Anubias Nana, 1 Dwarf Hairgrass, and 1 Micro Sword , I also got Flourite Substrate and white freshwater sand to place on top of the substrate (for looks), and oneFluval Ceramic shrimp log . Yes, I cleaned everything. I'm telling you all this so you know what's in my tank.
Here's my problem, from day one the water has been a milky cloud and still is two weeks later. To help with the clearing I used Seachem Prime( always use) and Stability. After about 4 days I also used the Seachem Clarity, which did NOT work, it turned my water into a dark brown and never cleared up until I did another water change a day later. I have done many water changes mostly 50% and water is always cloudy, it's starting to become very annoying. This past weekend I did add four ghost shrimp because I read adding a few fish might help, sad to say one did die, the other three seem to be okay. I have to admit I was unsure of adding anything live to my tank. I did order a API Master Testing kit which should come tommorrow.
So any help as to why my tank is always cloudy and how to fix it would be wonderful!! I've been reading other posts on here and everyone seems to be very expienced, hope you can all help!
One more thing I noticed today it's starting to smell.