Cloudy Water Issue


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I have done a 6 day course of antibiotics for my betta with a fin rot issue (still not fully solved).  I figured the antibiotics were causing the slime on the tank... so before lunch I did a vacuum of the gravel while draining the water about 90%.  I then wiped down everything to remove the slimey film.  Then I refilled the water as normal and it became really cloudy.  I left it awhile (couple hours I think) hoping it would clear and it didn't.  So, I drained the water again and refilled it... the cloudiness reduced by half or a bit more but there is still some cloudiness there.  After a bit I tested both my tap water and my tank for ammonia and my tank had already begun to break down the ammonia as the tank reading was half of what my tap water was.
I have only just added a second small filter with carbon inside to see if that clears anything.
I have just read some articles on cloudiness and am a bit confused.  Based on my water tests I'd say my tank is currently working great to break down the ammonia from the tap water so I'd think that means my cycled tank wasn't affected.  BUT... according to what I read white cloudiness is a bacteria bloom... and it said nitrite will build before an ammonia spike....
So, if that is going on should I be testing for nitrite building to anticipate an ammonia spike that may be coming?
OR... is there another explanation for this?
It could just be the residue of the slime or you may have disturbed too much stuff from the gravel clean.
Are the fish gasping for air at the surface in the cloudy tank? I understand that the bacteria that cause the "bloom" use up O2 like mad and would make your fish air hungry.
When I cleaned the slime I emptied the tank first and used a cloth so it wouldn't go in the tank, so I think it is not likely that.
I have had the bubbler bit of his filter on overnight (and still) and he isn't showing any signs of gasping, just normal swimming around.
I tested my water this morning and have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite but my nitrates have dropped from 20 to 10 but probably because so many water changes... I panicked and changed the water again before bed last night so 3 times in one day.

My ammonia tester is nearly gone so new kit being ordered today.
Hope it clears soon. Maybe the carbon will remove.
How is Riley by the way? Are his symptoms under control yet?

We have a tap at work where the water comes out so fast it is cloudy with air but that usually settles within a minute or so.
His dorsal fin has stopped being eaten away for several days now but no sign of any healing/regrowth at all.  A bit of tail ripped where it had been black edged, but I think some might be coming back there but it might also be the shadowing from the cloudy water so will see when that clears.  He had a tiny tear in the middle of his tail and that vanished at least.  Just can't seem to pass that hurdle of stopped symptoms and go back uphill to healed.
Riley's behavior is fantastic though.
The water is clear when I put it in the tank then turns cloudy within maybe half an hour or so.
Progress.... I can now just manage to see the outline of my black filter against the blue background... so hopefully the water might clear by tomorrow.  Readings still fine.
Sounds like progress, fingers crossed all goes to plan.

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