
New Member
Nov 5, 2002
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I know you have all read about this topic before. But i was wandering about my cloudy water. Ive had my tank for a week now and have 7 zebra danios in it. Ive heard its normal for a new tank but i dont know if i should change my water more regulary or just wait. HELP
is it a green cloud or a milky white cloud? If it's a milky cloud it's fine and just leave it alone it'll go away on it's own. If it's a green cloud that's a type of algae and it's a royal pain in the rear to get rid of it. mainly water changes and as little light as possible till it goes away and then keep the lights to a minimum for a while to keep it at check. Rose
Are you running any type of carbon ?
If you use an external with a carbon pad, replace with a good quality carbon. This will also help clear up the water and help maintain the tank clear and free of fishiers smells.

Carbon though is always the topic of debate with most hobbiest.
Some prefer NOT to use it. And others like myself swear by it. Now, NOT all carbon is the same. there are many brands and not all work the same. the cheaper brands IMO / IME do not perform as the better / name brands. whisper,penguin,aquarium pharm, dimond are all good quality carbons and IMO / IME help maintain a clear tank and helps clear up a cloudy tank.
Stay away from all those tank clear additives.
DO NOT use additives to try and rid this problem. try to avoid water change till tank clears. If you start to do partial changes before it clears it can / will take longer because now the bacteria has to re-establish.

But, as Rose mentioned, best way to treat cloudy tank, Time......... and some good carbon.


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